by Aishwarya Vardhana, June 2021

*this will be an evolving doc, as I discover more people to add

Rediet Abebe, computer scientist, known for working on AI for social good

Rediet Abebe, computer scientist, known for working on AI for social good

Deborah Raji, computer scientist and activist working on algorithmic bias, AI accountability, and algorithmic auditing

Deborah Raji, computer scientist and activist working on algorithmic bias, AI accountability, and algorithmic auditing

Timnit Gebru, computer scientist who works on algorithmic bias and data mining

Timnit Gebru, computer scientist who works on algorithmic bias and data mining

Joy Buolamwini, computer scientist and digital activist, founder of Algorithmic Justice League

Joy Buolamwini, computer scientist and digital activist, founder of Algorithmic Justice League

Raphael Gontijo Lopes, AI researcher, founder of Queer in AI, organizer for Radical AI

Raphael Gontijo Lopes, AI researcher, founder of Queer in AI, organizer for Radical AI